N's COLLECTION Fruit PunchContact Lenses
These lenses have a light beige color design which gives your eyes a more exotic look.
Lenses for far-sighted eyes (+) are not available.
Type: Daily Contact Lenses Color Contact Lenses
Packaging: 10 lenses per box
Content: 45% Methafilcon A & 55% water
Manufacturer: N's COLLECTION
UV CUT: Prolonged UV exposure is harmful to skin and eyes, can increase your risk for cataracts and other serious eye conditions. These lenses are able to provide 75% protection from UV-A and 99% protection from UV-B radiations.
Ionic: these lenses contain more water content, allowing in more oxygen to relieve your eyes and provide all-day comfort.
High moisture content: These lenses are made from soft lens material that contains more moisture, which provides all-day comfort.
*The fit and feel of the lenses will vary per person. "
Lens structure: These lenses are coated with newer technology so the color coating will not be directly on your cornea.
Lens type: These lenses have rounded edges so they will provide a natural, friction-less wearing experience.